How many of us have a fur coat collecting dust in our closet?
Sometimes they were our mother’s coat, our great aunt’s coat, a family heirloom.
How many of us put those fur coats on and think, “Where will I ever wear this? The sleeves are too short on me. The shoulders are too wide. I look ridiculous. This coat feels so dated”.
We were having these conversations about our vintage fur coat collection in 2022 and Jac said, “What if we cut off the sleeves of these dated fur coats and make them into stylish vests?”. #freethesleeves
It went just like that, Jac started cutting the sleeves off every fur coat in the store,
reshaping the arm holes, and professionally finishing the edges. Overnight they were selling fast. I
We now turn YOUR vintage fur coat into wearable fur vests.
Fur alteration for a coat to a vest is @ $128.00
Fur coat mending starts at $75 and is billed @ $50.00/hour.
Once fur coats are made into vests we offer crossbody bags made using the fur sleeves $248/bag