Crisp Mornings, Cool Evenings, Denim, Wool, and Boots

One of our favorite rituals here at FauxyFurr is our morning coffee. As the hot water mixes with the freshly brewed beans it fills the room with an aroma of sweet angels. Can you smell it? That steaming morning roast is so great to sip on a crisp morning.

As the a.m.’s and p.m.’s start to cool we find ourselves excited to reach in the bottom of our dresser and the back of our closet for favorites that haven’t been seen for months. Summer is still here but Fall is fast approaching. We welcome the cool eves with open arms.

We love to reach for a poncho, a cozy sweater or some denim. Also how great is this Custom Boho Hat pictured?

Please let us know what you are excited to pull out of the closet this fall in the comments below, we would love some inspo. And keep a lookout for our fall line coming very soon…

model: Bess Byers
photography: Nicole Knutson

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