Tips for a successful photoshoot

In the summer of 2014 I was collaborating with Nikki Knutson, creating content for FFV. I had met an amazing hair and makeup artist, Daniella Hinshaw. We came up with a concept, “Festival Wear” and started planning our photoshoot.

Two models, hair & make up artist, stylist and photographer is my favorite sized team. This allows everyone to be busy. Having an extra model confirmed is good - More than once I’ve experienced models backing out last minute-It sucks.

Your stylist needs the measurements of the models several days before the shoot so she can curate their outfits.

I ask the models to bring basics. ie, fav denim jeans, fav denim jean shorts, fav black jeans, white tank top, black tank top, fav vintage t-shirt, thin ankle socks & thick wool socks. These are the basics, with additional items depending on the location, weather and vibe. The day of the shoot we pick out 2-3 looks for each model. Have the models try on the looks from hats down to boots. Your goal as a stylist is “NO SURPRISES” once you’re on location. Once outfits have been finalized I pack them away into MY tote bag organized by outfit for each model. This way i’m solely responsible for everything showing up on location. Remember “NO SURPRISES”

As a stylist, I have a bag of tricks I bring with me to every shoot.

  1. I plan everything out days ahead of time and get plenty of sleep the day before the shoot.

  2. I bring two very large tote bags to carry all things related to the shoot. Don’t rely on the talent to carry anything! I always bring the outfits with me so I know everything is arriving on location.

  3. Hand held mirror to check make-up on location

  4. a few bobby pins to pin hair back

  5. black skinny hair ties

  6. rat-tail comb

  7. baby wipes

  8. small metal clamps to gather and cinch clothing so it fits in photo

  9. blanket to lay out as homebase - this allows for items to be organized on location and off the ground.

  10. water to drink and a spray bottle with water for hair.

  11. lip gloss, nude lipstick & red lipstick

  12. rice paper for blotting models t-zone


It’s best to have a planning meeting with the photographer days before the photoshoot. Collaborate on poses desired, number of outfit changes and time allotted for the shoot. Ask the photographer to come up with a shot list before you get to location. This helps to stay on task. Flex disks are important and external lighting if shooting inside. These are all things your photographer should take care of.

Hair & makeup:

This can take hours. Plan on meeting early in the morning and ask your models not to wash their hair the morning of the shoot. It’s easier to style “dirty” hair. Have images sent to your the artist before the day of the shoot to make sure they have ample images conveying the vibe you are looking for in their finished work.


Request they don’t drink alcohol the night before the shoot. Ask them to get a good nights rest. Ask them to eat breakfast. Ask them to wear comfy shoes to the shoot and while on location. If the shoot is outside in the elements rubber boots are a great idea or uggs in cold weather. Have them bring a big oversized cardigan or zip up sweater-nothing that you have to pull over your head. Comfy clothing is very important for them to wear to the shoot, during hair and make up and on the way home from the shoot.

FauxyFurr Tribe by Producer Nikki