Meet your Arlington Daba Vice President for 2025, Mr Randy Noback.

Randy and I both grew up in Marysville and graduated from high school 1 year apart. I knew of Randy Nobach before I ever knew Randy Nobach.

My first thought when I looked at this photo? Here is an earnest man. A man Arlington is lucky to have in service of his community.

Randy meets you where you are. Sometimes it’s with humor, sometimes it’s how he listens to you. He and his wife Leisha are role models for many they know.

Fun fact: Leisha was my dental assistant teacher in 2010, when I attended Dr. Hussey’s dental assisting school.

Randy has always had great style. He was just missing a quality fedora.

We designed a classic stingy brim fedora. Low profile crown, short brim, grosgrain ribbon, and traditional bow.

Randy was just elected to DABA as Vice President for this coming year 2025.

Leisha is currently on the city counsel representing the citizens of Arlington.

These two people have my vote.

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