Trade Secrets

In January of 2021 I was at a loss for more information about hat making online. Many in the hat making trade closely guard their craft refusing to share info, teach others or answer technical questions.

Through a client I got a lead to call Wayne Wichern, an established, Seattle based Milliner and teacher.

In January when I called I had never made a “millinery” hat. That is a traditional woman’s hat made on a wooden hat block. All my experience up to this point had been self taught in men’s hat and western weight felt.

Here is the latest millinery hat we made for a repeat client and local author. @madelineandpegsmoneytips

Millinery hats are made using lighter weight felts and extraordinary wooden hat blocks. The shapes of these hats vary drastically from one hat to another and are often trimmed with romantic, contrasting, even whimsical trims. Check out @waynewichern
for incredible examples of this work.

FFV+H has the ability to make a wide variety of hats because of the hat block collection Wayne has accumulated over his 37 year career and graciously shares with other milliners. 🙋🏻‍♀️

The longer I’m in the game the more I realize there is enough for everyone. We don’t have to hide our trade secrets and skills. We can share, empower others and create community by teaching.

The world needs more people happy in a trade, creating, collaborating, and problem solving.

Wayne often says, “When you guard your trade sources close eventually they dry up from low demand.” ✌🏼

I couldn’t agree more. Both of our lives would look a lot different if he guarded his knowledge.

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