Our Shop Cat Loki Was A Rescue Who Picked Us

Our kitty, Loki was the first animal I was ever involved in rescuing from a shelter. He was already 15 years old when he was surrendered by his aging owner to the animal shelter on Camano Island.

As we stepped into the front office of the shelter we saw a white cat lounging on the front desk. His energy was so relaxed and aloof we figured he belonged to the organization.
The shelter has an indoor/outdoor kitty terrarium area. We were encourged to go into the cat room and interact with the variety of cats available for adoption. Jill and I hung out in the room for close to 20 minutes. Not one of the cats came up and said HELLO. We were invisible, so invisible I was almost embarrassed and extremely disappointed.
Once back in the lobby Jill ran into an old friend working at the shelter. I hung back and leaned against a counter as she caught up with her friend. Within minutes that same white cat I'd seen when we first entered jumped up on the counter next to me and began purring and rubbing his head against my arm. Hello, there, I thought to myself.
Two little old volunteers watching the interaction made positive remarks about it and quickly pulled out his kitty-health report card proving he had a clean bill of health even though he was a senior. Due to his age his adoption fee was only $25.
Jill noticed the commotion and took notice of our new feline friend and Loki revved up the purring even more! We both knew right away we had found our cat! We paid the fee, loaded up our new family member and headed out.
The longer we know Loki the sweeter he has become. He loves all laps, begs to be combed and has Jill trained to feed him snacks throughout the day. He is very talkative when he wants something, greets all visitors, runs away from the vacuum cleaner and leaves his white hair everywhere. 🤪
I can't wait to rescue more animals when the time is right.

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