Teachers and mentors will change your world.

If you had a chance to teach us, what would we learn?

If you had a chance to learn, what would you like to be taught?

Teachers define us. They turn on lights and open doors. Fred pictured here, walked with us through the finance side of FauxyFurr Vintage every week for years.

Fred asked the hard questions - Questions no one had ever asked to this point.

Do you pay your taxes?
Do you report all your earnings?
Do you carry business debt?
Do you know how much inventory you have?
Do you know your profit and loss for the year?

I swallowed hard at these questions but I heard myself answer him honestly.
Because I was honest, I received help. Because I received help, I grew. Because of Fred, we made changes.

I miss you Fred. I wish you could see us now. โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงก

Fred passed away peacefully in March of 2019. One of the last projects we did with him was build our makers bar for the storefront in Downtown Arlington. He loved to be in his wood shop with us building displays. He loved talking business strategy, numbers, and systems.

Find your teachers, ask them questions, listen to their answers. The time you spend with people who have more experience than you will change you and your business. Find people who know more than you and start asking those questions.

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