Gen C is a powerful new force in consumer culture.


Have you heard about the Gen C movement: Gen C is a powerful new force in consumer culture. It's a term we use to describe people who care deeply about creation, curation, connection, community and carbon footprint. It's not an age group; it's an attitude and mindset defined by key characteristics. As a couple and a company, this worldview resonates with the way we do life daily. Now with an ever-greater calling towards connectedness, we are focusing more time here. Please join us by subscribing to our Love Note (newsletter) as we are actively curating content and sharing it with our tribe. Our content will cover books we are reading, music from artists whose music moves us, local artists and creatives making beautiful, sustainable, and practical goods, recipes that will nourish your family and our "Good News" vlog where Jack and Jill share the latest decisions and stories that are shaping us as a company. We are in this together. Sharing stories and experiences foster deeper connections and strength. It is time to live untamed, vulnerable. Follow the link in the bio for the newsletter or Visit for more information.