Get Lost, Backpack, Explore, Find Yourself

In 2005 at the age of 24 I set out to backpacked through Europe by myself. My grandfather was in disbelief. A woman by yourself, in a foreign country, traveling without an agenda? This is not safe or smart her told me. I didn’t care I wanted to travel, I had the time and guts so I went.

I spent 2 months on the road, living out of a backpack. Sleeping in hostels, airports, and on beaches. I couldn’t speak the language, I have no sense of direction, and I felt confused looking at road maps. I traveled without a smartphone or a computer. I just wandered around with my possessions on my back and without an itinerary.

I met new people every day, hitch hiked on the back of mopeds throughout Italy, got drunk in the bars of England. Slept in hostels in the red light district. Shopped in boutiques in France. Visited the Dali Museum. Lived on fresh bread because it was cheap and easy. Called home from pay phones.

I learned a lot about myself during those months. Turns out I’m not funny if no one understands my language, I’m not smart when I feel confused. Being a foreigner is hard. I find great comfort bellying up to a bar. Sand isn’t soft while sleeping on it for 6 hours, the wind cuts right through your clothing and everyone needs a friend.

I came home with more confidence, a greater appreciation for language and a sense of carefree adventure.

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