
I lost my last teacher in March of 2019 when Fred ascended. I told Jill over and over, I need a mentor, I need a teacher, but who?

I wrote my desire on my workshop wall and I walked by the post it note everyday. I asked the universe and I patiently waited.

In January of 2021 a new teacher came into my life. A charming man who is a professional milliner and has been teaching the art of hat making to his students for decades.

Mentors can boost one’s confidence, providing an open ear and seasoned mind. They are someone who can listen and understand concepts you are struggling with. Someone who has made the mistakes, learned the lessons & transcended time.

Mentors are bridges to a better life. Teachers facilitate growth.

For my business minded friends, there is a FREE program geared towards mentoring small business owners called score. It was founded in 1964.

SCORE, the nation’s largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors. These people are dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals

Yes you read that correct, FREE Help! Now get out there and ask some questions.

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