Shopping Your Values This Holiday Season & Beyond

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In a year where we have experienced extreme uncertainty & isolation, we have found the strength to protest, donate, and vote in hopes of fostering social change. This fight can continue through our purchasing power. How we shop matters. Where we shop matters. Who we shop matters. We vote with our dollar every day.

When we shop in our local neighborhoods we are supporting the communities we live in and benefit from. By shopping on main street instead of buying on Amazon we are generating sales tax revenue for our city, creating local jobs which are often held by women, infusing our downtown with diversity, character & community.

Have you ever thought about a world without small business? Picture this: No Moe’s Espresso, No Arlington Hardware, No Chaotic Bakery, No FauxyFurr Vintage + Handmade, No Country Rose, No Paint Bungalow, No Ava Rose Boutique, No Bits N Pieces, No Found it, No Save the Day Floral, No Arlington Pickers, No Tai Kwan Do, No Blue Bird Cafe, No Perfectly Knotty, No Stilly Diner, No Flowers By George, No Action Sports, No Natural Health Food Store, No Suda Thai, No Your Hot Yoga, No Stilly Coffee Co, No Mirkwood, No White Horse Saloon, No Playa Bonita, No Ruste Antiques.

Take out all the small businesses and downtown Arlington would be left with a couple banks, a financial advisor, some insurance and a Realtor. Not much downtown charm is it? The local merchants listed above are the diversity and charm our little city needs to set it’s self up as a destination, a niche, an experience. Without thriving small business Corporate American moves in-Boring!

Small business is one of the quintessential elements of the American dream. You as a consumer are an extremely important part of that American dream. Your part is easy, just by walking in their front door and buying local rather than sitting behind a computer and pushing the “add to cart” button you are supporting others. Think about it.

This holiday season we ask you to slow down and consider your purchasing power before you buy. Focus your attention on independent, value-driven companies. Together we can facilitate strong local commerce. Together we can make a difference-today.

Important dates to know about in the coming weeks:

Small Business Saturday is November 28 - Show up and support your hometown in every State!

Did you know? The first Saturday of every month is our little town of Arlington, Washington is “Super Saturday”. Many local business’s along the main street participate by running a 20% off sale. Head to Arlington Hardware, Ava Rose Gift and Boutique, Arlington Pickers, The Country Rose, The Paint Bungalow & Home Decor, and of course our favorite, FauxyFurr Vintage + Handmade. Don’t forget our Neighbor, The Lounge at Moe’s
(wine bar + craft taps + fresh food), who serve up something special every Super Saturday from Mimosas to tasty treats!

One of the newest website bringing small businesses together is local website,

This website showcases, Arlington’s vibrant downtown and Smokey Point business districts and support Arlington’s hometown businesses by featuring products directly from retailers, gift cards to use later, or ordering takeout/delivery.

Before closing we want to give a big shout out to our friends at, aHuge Production, for letting us snag the cool lead in photo of

Downtown Arlington from their Instagram page. Chris & Angela are A+ entrepreneurs in Arlington, Washington.